Once you have logged in, you will be presented with the member's
identification and asked to confirm that this the person who designated you to
be their Keyholder® . At the same time, to prevent premature unauthorized
accessed to the member's wishes, the member will be notified of your actions
immediately and will have the opportunity to lock you out. Assuming that
the member information is correct, you will be able to see the list of items for
which you have been granted access, and also their current status: locked,
unlocked or visible. Any item that is locked can be unlocked by you, and
again, immediate notification regarding your request to access the item will be
sent to the member. Unlocked items will become visible after a period of
time determined by the member. These security mechanisms are in place to
protect the member's privacy and to prevent premature unauthorized access to the
member's wishes. When an item is visible, it is accessible by all of the
member's Keyholders® . In the case of the MyMessages™ item, you will not
be able to view any of the member's prewritten messages --- in this case, when
the MyMessages™ item becomes "visible" it actually means that all of the
member's messages have been sent.
If this sounds complicated, don't worry --- it is an extremely intuitive
process. Just follow the instructions on the screen. If you have any
questions along the way, feel free to refer to the online help or to contact us.